March 7, 2014

The Experiment of Cupcake Lab

Cupcakes are now very common. It seems that you can start a cupcake business as long as you know how to make cupcakes. This might seem so easy because anyone can easily learn how to make cupcakes . With the help social media like Facebook and Instagram, selling of products become much easier. However, since there are already a lot of cupcake stores, you have to ensure that yours is above the rest.

It's no wonder why Cupcake Lab has created its cupcake to be different from the rest. I was able to visit their store in Podium. It was just small and they have just some few table were their customers can dine and eat their cupcakes.

You may think that Cupcake Lab is just your ordinary cupcake store. Yes, they sell the famous red velvet and its one of their signature cupcake. Their red velvet get easily sold and in just a few hours after opening the store their red velvet are gone.

Aside from the famous red velvet, what I like about their cupcakes is that its different from the others. Its only at Cupcake Lab that I saw a cupcake with gummy worms. The colorful candy is placed on top of their cupcakes. You'll be attracted when you see it because of the colorful gummy worms. 

Cupcake Lab has a creation that would be surely enjoyed by people who love to drink Jack Daniel. The Jack Black cupcake has a mix of Jack Daniel. It has a sweet taste and then there is a spicy and bitter taste after. I honestly didn't like the taste but for those whose taste buds are willing to experience a mix of everything this cupcake would not be disappointed.

My personal favorite is their Peanut Butter Smores. At first, my only thought was the idea of the marshmallow swirl on top of the cupcake however when I had my first bite the taste of peanut butter overwhelmed my taste buds. It was really good.

Another tasteful treat is their Oreo Surprise. Aside from the Oreo on top of the cupcake you'll be surprised of the colorful interior of this vanilla cupcake. We can't stop ourselves from taking a photo of this cupcake.

Almond lovers will surely like their Almond Brownie. The almond on this cupcake is overflowing. Aside from that they also have Tiramisu, Cheesecake, Ferrero and Green Tea. They are continuously experimenting just like the cupcake with a pretzel on top of it.

The creativity of Cupcake Lab is really superb. They know that people will always look for something new so they don't just settle for something ordinary. 

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